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Cashews Natural W320
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Nuts are the fruits produced by trees - nuts. This fruit differs from other types of seeds in shell and in that it contains very high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Nuts are under-represented in our diet. Walnut oil was widely used in the Middle Ages until the 19th century. Today, however, its consumption is less significant.
The benefits of eating nuts
Improving cardiovascular health. More than 70% of the lipids in nuts are polyunsaturated fatty acids in the form of omega 3. These fatty acids contribute to good cardiovascular health. Blood lipid intervention actually lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Daily consumption of nuts actually lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, the level of good cholesterol and triglycerides remains the same. The blood vessels also become more flexible and cardiovascular health improves.
Strong antioxidant
Among other plants, nuts are in second place due to their antioxidant properties. Walnut contains several compounds that make it a good antioxidant: ellagic acid and gallic acid. These compounds suppress bad cholesterol without lowering good cholesterol. Nuts also contain melatonin, an antioxidant compound that increases in the blood as nuts are consumed. Vitamin E in walnut also has an antioxidant role. However, the level of this vitamin drops significantly after three months of storing nuts in the cold, so they should be consumed mainly fresh.
Another benefits
The nut is rich in fiber. These fibers help prevent and fight constipation, as well as reduce the risk of colon cancer. A high-fiber diet also helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Nuts are rich in lipids, but their consumption does not lead to weight gain. The fatty acids contained in the nut are actually unsaturated, which leads to a feeling of satiety faster, but also allows for higher calorie intake.
Negatives of nut consumption
-Risk of the formation of urinary or kidney stones. Nuts contain oxalates which help to form stones.
Nuts are a fruit that also contains a significant percentage of protein.
In about one percent of people, consuming these proteins causes an inadequate immune response.
The big risk of these allergies is that they also consume trace amounts
may cause fatal anaphylaxis
Allergies to nuts are lifelong.
Ořechy jsou ovocem, které obsahují také značné procento bílkovin.
Asi u jednoho procenta lidí konzumace těchto bílkovin vyvolává nepřiměřenou imunitní reakci.
Velkým rizikem těchto alergii je to, že i konzumace stopových množství
může vyvolat smrtelně nebezpečnou anafylaxii
Alergie na skořápkové plody je celoživotní.